2012年5月18日 星期五

Emailing Forms With Peachtree by Sage Software

Most of the Peachtree programs since 2004 offer the ability to email a variety of forms. This simplifies the process of invoicing and other tasks to help your business operate more smoothly. If you have a later version of Peachtree as well as an email client such as Microsoft Outlook Express, Outlook, etc., then you have all you need to email forms and streamline important business tasks.

What Can You Email with Peachtree?

Any forms that you use on a daily, weekly or monthly basis can be emailed to clients, vendors, employees and others. These include invoices, receipts, quotes, sales orders, credit memos, customer statements and purchase orders. Peachtree makes the process simple, and you can make this option available to others within your company. For example, you can give employees within the accounts receivable department the capability to bill clients directly with email. Confirm vendor payments, send monthly statements and receipts, and more through email.

Printing Options

Peachtree gives the option to print forms when emailing, but you can choose not to do so if you wish to reduce the amount of paper being used at your company. Many companies are choosing the "paperless" route and utilizing sophisticated daily back-up systems to ensure their work is secure. This eliminates the need for the storage and disposal of thousands of sheets of paper each month or quarter. On the other hand, if you feel that having paper copies is best, then you can opt to print each form when emailing so you'll have a hard copy.


You can use the Peachtree filter criteria to determine which forms to print/email. This is based on a numbering system if you have numbered invoices or other forms. You can select all numbered forms or a range of numbers.

Benefits for Your Company and Others

Emailing forms not only saves your company time and money, but it does the same for those on the receiving end. For instance, you can give clients the option to receive a paper invoice by postal mail or an email invoice. By choosing the email invoice, they will receive it more quickly and eliminate paperwork. Even if they print the invoice, this still reduces waste from envelopes received in the mail. Your company will save time, paper and postage costs!

You can also email quotes to potential clients and save on phone time or postage. Create professional style quote sheets with all the details of your offer and pricing. Most customers would prefer to have a written quote so they can examine all that's being offered without feeling pressured to buy. And with email, you can send the quote to them right away without sending a fax or postal mail. These are just a few benefits, but each email sent means valuable time and money saved for your company.

Emailing forms with Peachtree gives you flexibility to serve your customers, vendors and others more efficiently. This along with hundreds of other benefits makes Peachtree an excellent choice for any small business. You can purchase the latest version of Peachtree software on the Web along with other great programs such as QuickBooks Enterprise, ACT! Software, MAS90 Software, etc.

Peachtree also has several types of software for various needs, such as Peachtree Quantum, Peachtree Accounting, Peachtree for Manufacturers, etc. so be sure to read about features for each type of software before making a purchase. Get ready to maximize customer service and build a solid business model with Peachtree today!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world's MOST POPULAR website advertising companies on the web.
Learn more about Peachtree.

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